Commissioning process changing to improve access to mental health services in SE NSW
19 September 2022
COORDINARE, South Eastern NSW PHN is changing the way we commission psychological therapies across South Eastern NSW, with the aim of improving access to mental health services for those who experience barriers to accessing them.
By working locally and in partnership with our stakeholders, we intend to:
- enhance service coordination.
- reduce fragmentation and burden on GPs, emergency departments and statemental health services.
- improve continuity of care.
Three webinars are planned in September to brief people living and working in South Eastern NSW about our new mental health plan for 2023-25.
The webinars will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and engage in a dialogue to influence the way forward. You only need to attend one. Please click one of the below links to register for one of the webinars and find out more:
- Wednesday 28 September from 12 noon - register here.
- Thursday 29 September from 10am - register here.
- Thursday 29 September from 6pm - register here.
We all have a stake in our community's wellbeing and your experience is highly valued. Please register above and be part of the conversation! If you have any questions or for further information please contact emcgarrell@coordinare.org.au.