Have your say on LGBTIQ+ health services in regional NSW
28 July 2020
ACON wants to hear from you! They strive to create opportunities for people of diverse sexualities and genders and people living with HIV to live their healthiest lives.
To do so they are looking to consult with everyone living in regional NSW* about what they’d like to see from ACON in the coming financial year.
This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete, and will be open until Friday 14 August.
Community members who complete the survey will have the option to go into the draw to win 1 of 5 $50 gift cards, drawn after the survey closing date.
For questions about this survey, you can contact: regionaloutreach@acon.org.au
(*This broadly means outside of metro Sydney, however still includes areas such as Penrith. Unsure if this includes your area? Check out ACON’s Regional Map.)