Lumos: shedding light on the patient journey in health care
19 March 2020
How often do your patients use services in other parts of the health system? What types of patients are most likely to run into health problems that need significant unplanned care? How can you be more effective in planning services and improving your patients’ outcomes?
Lumos sheds light on the patient journey through the NSW health system by 'Linking Up and Mapping Of Systems' across NSW.
In 2018, COORDINARE partnered with the Southern NSW and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health Districts, the Ministry of Health and 5 trail blazing general practices across South Eastern NSW to participate in the NSW Ministry of Health (MoH) Data Linkage Pilot Project, now called Lumos.
Lumos is an ethically approved program that securely links encoded data from general practices to other health data in NSW, including hospital, emergency department, mortality, and others.
The pilot project dataset has provided participating general practices with a new picture of patients’ journeys through the health system. These data have provided participating general practices with novel insights that will allow your practice to:
- better understand your patient and practice profile compared to your region
- demonstrate and improve the quality of patient care your practice provides
- support data driven quality improvement activities and participation in related programs
- create an evidence base to support areas of future investment in primary care
- provide a better understanding of the patient experience of health services
- improve provider experience through greater collaboration.
If you would like more information or to be involved in this exciting initiative please see our website for details.
You can also contact your Health Coordination Consultant or email info@coordinare.org.au.